Thursday, October 18, 2012

RIP NinaFox_1 -A Beloved Twitter Presence-

It has come to my attention that a beloved member of the Twitter Community and one of my dearest friends has passed away this September 26th. Dodie @NinaFox_1 was a kind, generous, loving, altruistic, and inquisitive spirit. She was a consummate student, a daily presence, a source of positivity and optimism, and a reliable and trustworthy friend to all those with the privilege of knowing her.

The real people on Twitter, really care; and @NinaFox_1 surely saw every Twitter handle and avatar picture as a unique individual with a heart. She treated all people, all of the time, with dignity and respect. For Dodie, interacting with her Twitter friends and making those around her feel good was always her primary objective.

I quickly noticed in my relationship with Dodie, that whatever was going on in her life was on the back-burner, and what was important to her was what she could do to help myself and others. @NinaFox_1 was someone who was always there for me in good times and bad; when my mentor and friend Mr. Mel died she listened to and comforted me; to being one of the first people to buy my collection of short stories and support my book.

Dodie had a spirit of generosity that is seldom seen, and always took the time to share a song, say a kind word, send a direct message, say “thank you,” or bid you a “goodnight.” I know I will miss her being around, because she always brought me a sense of comfort and knowing; she helped me find hope in seemingly hopeless situations; and she helped renew my confidence during adverse times in my life. From the first moment I met her, to the last time I spoke to her, she always seemed “gentle and familiar.”

I have always said, Facebook is for those you know, and Twitter is for those you want to know, and I consider it a true honor that I got to know @NinaFox_1. Dodie’s presence, reach, and light cannot be quantified with numbers; and a horrible void is felt by all those who knew her and loved her. I would like to send my deepest condolences to all of her friends and family; as well as say “Thank you” to my friend Dodie for being someone “genuine” and a person of action in this age of facades and false heroes.


  1. What a beautiful and heartfelt tribute to our beloved Nina. I met Nina back in 2010 on the Larry King CNN ~ Michael Jackson blog. We instantly formed a special bond of friendship where we kept in touch daily via Twitter DM's to each other as well as phone calls once a week. I'd like to share a post she sent to me from the Larry King blog from October 11th, 2010 8:35 pm ET. My blog name was NOT Judy, I was known as "LCA" (Love Conquers All)...

    " @ LCA

    Good ... ahhhhhemmmmmm lets see now... Evening?Morning?Afternoon?UTC?Zoolo? (lmao) gotta laugh at it all....Life is just too short and best to be enjoyed...

    I Just wanted to share with you, my profound feeling and incredible honor as you bore your heart and soul. I believe, I understand with the most profound emotional knowledge. You were kind enough to take my hand and lead me across the ocean of life to a distant shore with your lasting grief and pain. The knowledge and feelings go beyond words... like little light beams dancing on the water, I feel such a warmth and fullness inside. You have made a profound impact on my being. I will always treasure you for having the incredible ability to share this and the willingness to take my hand. I will always be holding your hand, even from afar. When you are sad, feel your hand in mine, when you struggle, feel your hand in mine... when you feel alone and the world seems to be closing in, feel your hand in mine...with the break of a new day and you feel excited and filled with joy, feel your hand in mine. I am apart of all life that exists here, all you have to do is touch a flower and you touch my face, lean against a tree trunk and I will hold you up. As I gently whisper your name with the soft breeze, I will be there. Thank You LCA for the most incredible journey. Thank you LCA for your ever lasting spirit. Thank you LCA for being a friend that I will cherish for the rest of my life.....

    The most beautiful thing in the world is touching the heart and soul of another.
    – Nina

    Amicus optima vitae possessio, LCA. (A friend is the greatest treasure in life) Forever my cherished friend ~ Nina"


  2. V ~ The previous comment was from me but it is stating my blog name from Larry King's CNN blog. I am JudyAnn_67 from Twitter. Just so you know. Thanks my friend.
